Term 1, Week 9 |
29 March, 2022 |
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School
We are Respectful
We are Responsible
We are Safe
Term 1, Week 9 |
29 March, 2022 |
We are Respectful
We are Responsible
We are Safe
Whole School Prayer Whole School Prayer will be in classes. Once we return to the church it will be shared via Facebook |
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upComing EventsTerm 1
The Prodigal Son
The Gospel Story on Sunday was the parable Jesus told of the Prodigal Son. The story introduces us to three characters: the younger son, elder son, and their father, who weave a beautiful story of sin, envy and mercy. The parable is a timeless story about relationships within a family. It unfolds with the younger son asking his father for his share of the inheritance. The father grants the request of the son which the son immediately converted into cash and goes on to squander the money. Later, he experiences poverty and realizes how the servants in his father’s home were being treated much better. Humbled, he decides to go back home and ask forgiveness from his father who welcomes him home lovingly. The father in this parable is fascinating. He appears to be a non-judgmental man forgiving his son and welcoming him home. What led him to just give his younger son his inheritance and let him go? What was his life like in raising his sons? Although he appears to be very forgiving, he did not invite his older son immediately to the feast he was preparing. His son found out from servants. Have there been times in your life where you have excluded or unintentionally forgotten others or taken people for granted? Do you have a prodigal son in your life? Are you able to forgive just as the father has? The main message of the story is mercy and forgiveness. God does not discriminate between us based on deeds. We truly are all loved unconditionally. It is not easy being a parent/carer of children, our children are very blessed to have parents/carers who selflessly care for and nurture them and invest in their lives. If you get a chance read the parable of the Prodigal Son and see how Jesus teaching relates to your life and to your family. Click on this link to go to the story of The Prodigal Son. The Celebration of Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated on the 6th April at Our Lady of Lourdes Church at 7.00 p.m. Please keep the children in your prayers as they prepare. Sacramental Program Family Mass As part of our Sacramental Program this year, we are having a special Family Mass for all Sacramental Candidates on Sunday 3rd April at 4pm at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, followed by a sausage sizzle in the Parish Hall (beside Church). This is a great opportunity to get to know each other as we journey together through the sacraments. We will be asking for volunteers to read in Mass, if you or your child are interested please let Fr Steven know. We are looking forward to gathering together for Fun, Family, Friendship, Food and Faith! Lent Don't forget we are still in the middle of the Church season of Lent. Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. We will be raising money for Project compassion in the coming weeks, stay tuned for more details. |
Fourth Week of Lent
(Week beginning Monday 28th March) This week through Project Compassion we learn about Rosalie, who lives with her husband and seven children in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Forced to join the army when she was just 15-years-old, Rosalie experienced significant trauma and hardship during her years in the military. After she was demobilised from the army, Rosalie, like other ex-combatants, was left to fend for herself in the community. With your generous support and through Caritas Australia's partners, the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) and Caritas Bukavu, Rosalie was able to connect with other members of her community and participate in business skills training to help her to reintegrate into society. She joined a savings group which helped her with a loan to start her own small business selling second-hand shoes and natural remedies. “I can eat, dress, maintain my health and help others. My children study and manage to eat twice a day. I have learnt to work hand-in-hand with other members of the community. Really, there is more joy in sharing with others.” - Rosalie Watch a short film about Rosalie’s story here. Please support Project Compassion: lent.caritas.org.au Dates to Remember Reconciliation Faith Sharing Sessions: Next week Monday, 4th or Tuesday 5th March 3.00 - 7.00 at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church |
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