Term 1, Week 7 |
15 March, 2022 |
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School
We are Respectful
We are Responsible
We are Safe
Term 1, Week 7 |
15 March, 2022 |
We are Respectful
We are Responsible
We are Safe
Whole School Prayer Whole School Prayer will be in classes. Once we return to the church it will be shared via Facebook |
Forms to be completedCompass Portal
upComing EventsTerm 1
Junior Joeys
The Junior Joeys is a leadership team who work in the school to uphold the charisms of our founders the Sisters of St Joseph. The Junior Joey’s raise awareness and money for those less fortunate in our community. Next week our Junior Joeys are travelling to MacKillop Hill Forth to learn more about the charisms of Mary MacKillop, Father Julian Tenison Woods and the Sisters of Saint Joseph. The day will be facilitated by Sr Carmel Jones, who has been a principal at the Josephite schools in Tasmania. The Celebration of Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated on the 6th April at Our Lady of Lourdes Church at 7.00 p.m. Please keep the children in your prayers as they prepare. Sacramental Program Family Mass As part of our Sacramental Program this year, we are having a special Family Mass for all Sacramental Candidates on Sunday 3rd April at 4pm at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, followed by a sausage sizzle in the Parish Hall (beside Church). This is a great opportunity to get to know each other as we journey together through the sacraments. We will be asking for volunteers to read in Mass, if you or your child are interested please let Fr Steven know. We are looking forward to gathering together for Fun, Family, Friendship, Food and Faith! |
Prayer for Ukraine We pray to you Lord Jesus, for the people of the Ukraine who are experiencing conflicts and deaths. Bless the leaders with wisdom, vision and perseverance needed to build together a world of justice and solidarity, and to break down walls of hostility and division. Second Week of Lent (Week beginning Monday 14th March) This week through Project Compassion we learn about Biru who lives in a rural village in India’s east. He lost mobility in one of his legs, after contracting polio as a child. Biru worked as a shepherd, looking after other people’s cattle, to support his wife and four daughters. Keeping up with the cattle was a challenge.Biru taught himself how to repair bicycles by watching other people, but he never dreamed of using those skills to start his own business. With your generous support, Biru was able to access an entrepreneurship and livelihoods training program, run by Caritas Australia’s partner, Caritas India. He gained the support and skills he needed to start his own bicycle repair business. Now, Biru earns enough money to support his family. Watch a short film about Biru’s story here. Please support Project Compassion: lent.caritas.org.au Dates to Remember Confirmation Faith Sharing Sessions:
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